March 13, 2010

Gandhi [51]

First off, I didn’t know squat about Gandhi before watching this. Just that he was a very influential and peaceful person. And I have to say that after watching this film I really want to know all there is about him and his life.
Film starts off with his assassination and takes us back to who he was before he was named “Father of the Nation” in India. Then we get to the major highlights of his life and his movement; all at a sort of slow pace to throw more details and such into the story.
The film really moved me, mainly because I never heard of the harsh killings and the “non-violence” movement depicted in the film. I was rooting for Ghandi from the beginning; I was dying to know how much he accomplished. Seems the guy was just too good to live in such a world. He was surrounded by so much violence and oppression, it just really just blew my mind that he could stay so peaceful.
I’m sure it’s a great film whether you know nothing about him or if you do. It’s an epic story of one of the most significant and influential people the world has laid eyes on.
"Mahatma Gandhi had become the spokesman for the conscience of mankind, a man who made humility and simple truth more powerful than empires." And Albert Einstein added, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."

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