March 6, 2010

Little Big Man [35]

Jack Crabb [Hoffman] is a centenarian aging 121 years who tells his AMAZING life story. He watched his parents get killed when he was 10 by Pawnee Indians. Then was taken in by Cheyenne Indians and grew in their lifestyles. He was named Little Big Man because even though he’s little, he’s still strong and brave.
He talks about all the different stages and turning points he’s gone through. From being raised by Indians to being taken into the Christian lifestyle, to being a gunfighter, apprentice, and to his business and wife getting stolen right under him. Just goes to show how random and all over the place life can be, along with love.
This film really impressed me because it could have me rolling around laughing and in a few moments have me cringing at how tragic it gets. Mr.Crabb sees a lot in his days, meets a lot of people who don’t do much good for him and some that help him out immensely. He lives a long life and has been through so much, seems like too much for him to handle when we see him staring off sadly into space in the last few shots. Wonder how someone can deal with copious life lessons, heartache, and deaths and still live to be more than a hundred years old.

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