March 6, 2010

The Last of the Mohicans [33]

Hawkeye is the adopted white son to the Indians and is asked to help the British in war. He and his fellow brothers agree, on one condition, that if their homes are attacked they get to leave. The British agree to this and set foot towards their fort. What they don’t know is that the native guide by their side is actually working for their enemy and they’re ambushed. Only a few people survive.. they pass by Hawkeye’s home only to find everyone massacred.
The British don’t stick to their promise, and don’t let the Indians leave for their homes to protect their families. Most of them escape anyways, knowing that if they’re caught they’ll be killed. Hawkeye stays because he’s fallen in love, but is caught anyways for his brothers’ doings.
Hawkeye and Curo’s love came fast and strong but they’re taken apart from each other on several occasions. We get into Hawkeye’s life, and we see how strongly and harshly the Indians take their customs. The cruelness of it all makes me shiver, the scalping and blood spilled everywhere is just overwhelming. A lot of people are tortured for others’ wrongdoings. People are hung, scalped, and burned alive for things they’re not even aware of.

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